Our Pastor

Our pastor is Dr. Ryan Redwine, Ph.D., known simply as Pastor Ryan @VillageBible. Pastor Ryan has been in ministry for over twenty years. Before answering the Holy Spirit’s call to preach & undershepherd at the local church, Ryan has served as a Lay Leader, a Camp Counselor with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a Student Minister, a Collegiate Minister, an Associational and Campus Missionary with the North American Mission Board, & a Professor of Theology at the seminary level.
Ryan has been on and led several mission trips, internationally and locally. Ryan’s greatest passion is to preach and teach the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God verse-by-verse. He preaches with great enthusiasm as he leads Village Bible Church to have a great love for the countless Lost in our Village and OKC community and the Nations by sharing the Gospel. Ryan is leading Village to live the disciplemaking life where Jesus is King: Over Our Lives, Church, & City and to serve our community and city as a Lighthouse Of Love.
The core set of values Pastor Ryan infuses into the Village Bible Church membership to shape our culture:
Core Aims To Cultivate:
1) Holy Spirit-Led 2) Prayer Culture 3) Outreach-Minded
Core Actions To Carry Out:
Be A People Of…
1) Prayer 2) Power 3) Proclamation 4) Passion 5) Preparation (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10)
Core Advances To Commit To:
1) Multi-Generational 2) Multi-Ethnic 3) Multi-Socioeconomic
Core Assurances To Cherish:
1) Scripture 2) Love 3) Joy 4) Integrity
On a personal note, Ryan is married to his best friend, Stacy (M.A. Missiology, Swbts, 2006), and he is the first person to acknowledge that he married way up. Ryan and Stacy have been partners in ministry for decades and they get such joy out of reaching all people from all walks of life. They love serving King Jesus!
*Husband to Stacy
*Dad to Seven Wonderful Kiddos
*Originally from Norman, Oklahoma
Ryan’s Focus: Trust the Holy Spirit, Preach the Word (Verse-By-Verse Exposition), Undershepherd to our People, Lead Discipleship Initiatives, Lead in Prayer, Teach Theology, Cast Vision for Village’s Present and Future, Lead Missional Endeavors
*Dad to Seven Wonderful Kiddos
*Originally from Norman, Oklahoma
Ryan’s Focus: Trust the Holy Spirit, Preach the Word (Verse-By-Verse Exposition), Undershepherd to our People, Lead Discipleship Initiatives, Lead in Prayer, Teach Theology, Cast Vision for Village’s Present and Future, Lead Missional Endeavors
–Pastor, Village Bible Church, The Village, OKC, OK (2018-Current)
-Continued research within Irenaean Theology (Current)
-Member of Evangelical Theological Society & Presenter at SW ETS
-Reader on Ph.D. preaching dissertation (Spring 2020)
–Pastor, Soldier Creek Baptist Church, MWC, OK (2013-2018)
–Adjunct Professor of Theology, Swbts Shawnee Extension (Fall 2018)
–Adjunct Professor of Theology, Swbts Prestonwood Extension (Fall 2017)
–Adjunct Instructor of Theology, Swbts Shawnee Extension (Fall 2016 – May 2017)
–Pastor, Eastman Baptist Church, Marietta, OK (2010-2013)
–Collegiate Minister, Wedgwood Baptist Church, Fort Worth, TX (2007-2010)
–Missionary, North American Mission Board , Reno, NV (2005-2007)
-Lay Preacher, Kent’s Nursing Home, Fort Worth, TX (2001-2004)
-Lay Leader in Youth Ministry in churches in Oklahoma & Texas (2000-2004)
-Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Camp Counselor (1998-1999)
Theological Education:
Theological Education:
-Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Swbts, 2017
-Major: Systematic Theology with Emphasis in Early Church Theology (Patristic Theology)
-Minor: Preaching
–Dissertation Topic: “The Knowability of the Father in the Theology of Irenaeus”
-Master of Theology (ThM), Swbts, 2009
-Master of Divinity w/ Biblical Languages (MDiv/BL), Swbts, 2004
Undergraduate Education:
-Master of Divinity w/ Biblical Languages (MDiv/BL), Swbts, 2004
Undergraduate Education:
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Computer Information Systems, Southern Nazarene University, 2000
Life Verse: “. . . and whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31